
Coucho Marx ©
(for a bad joke, you must make bad art) 


The Shame Pole ©

Shame Pole (Totem for That Which I Hate) - wood and acrylic. people without a sense of humor, cars, sand in my bathing suit, when people catching me staring, vegans, writing the wrong word in my crossword with pen, saxophone music


Shame Pole (Totem for That Which I Hate) - wood and acrylic. my old roommate Lucy, control-top panty hose, undercooked meat, olives, amusement parks.

Shame Pole (Totem for That Which I Hate) - wood and acrylic. getting my period on my mattress or someone else's mattress, juggalos, being addicted to the internet and cigarettes, the sound of someone vomiting, chola hair and makeup, when people touch my belly buttom, tongue rings


Shame Pole (Totem for That Which I Hate) - wood and acrylic. tongue rings, everyone that goes to my school, math, the mall, when people say "pscyho", "random" or "chi-town", too tan girls with two-tone hair, getting zits in my ear, nose or ass.


Shame Pole (Totem for That Which I Hate) - wood and acrylic. AZN rice-mobiles, girls who give me dirty looks at parties, my breasts, when my boyfriend gets a boner in the morning and nestles in between my buttocks, cleaning the catbox, shaving, biting my fingernails, the south, RENT (the musical and the monthly act) and crotch rockets.


Small Owl - found wood and acrylic ©

 Fat Owl - found wood and acrylic ©

The Gentrifiñatas ©

The Gay Guy - Gentrifiñatas © SOLD


The Jogger - Gentrifiñatas © SOLD

The Hipster - Gentrifiñatas © SOLD


 Breakfast in Bed © - pillows

Heaven and Hell © - foam core